
Film and Television Producers Requirements

IFMA FINANCE acts as a gatekeeper and introducer of potential film financiers taking a small fee and a possible considered percentage of the back end. We do not charge any up front fees and will only claim our fees once investment has been received and the film has legally closed. IFMA presents a limited number of carefully curated film projects to our investors on a regular basis. Investors are able to invest in single projects or on a slate basis. IFMA can work with producers at all stages of the film financing journey; however the more finance in place the more likely our investors will wish to be involved.

Information required to present a project to our investors

1. The Script from which we commission a report if we believe that it has potential.

2. Names of Producer, Director and Cinematographer attached.

3. Once the commission agreement has been signed with the Producer, we require a detailed Pitch and details of any rights acquired.

4. Finance plan detailing finance raised to date and sources, recoupment waterfall, tax incentives and any collection account.

5. The deal being offered to Equity Investors as regards the premium and the share of the profits.

6. Full Budget, Top Sheet Budget and Equity Ask.

7. Detailed Shooting Schedule including provisional start date.

8. Full delivery list of all Assets created by the end of post production.

9. Details of any Completion Bond company attached.

10. Key Cast Attachments including their Letters of Intent and their front end and back end deals.

11. Details of any reputable Sales Agent on board along with Sales Estimates that support the Budget and the Finance Plan.

12. Details of any Pre-sales and/or Minimum Guarantees.

13. Details of any Distribution and Prints & Advertising commitments from a reputable Distributor/Broadcaster covering one or more key markets for the finished Project.

14. Initial Art Work/Posters.

15. A schedule detailing about 10 bullet point reasons why an investor should invest in your Project.

Once ideally all the above is in place and your Project meets our criteria, we can assist you in the production of a ‘One Sheet’ of about three pages for presentation to our investor clients.

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