

MOVIE STORY-who was murdered, and she reincarnates as a supernatural being to avenge the cruelty of men responsible for her death.
When she was younger, she and her mother were victims to the drinking habit of her father. As a child she saw the women in the society are not treated very well and they were harassed by men. The child’s tender heart would ask her who is going to stop this. She was filled with anger and an intention of murdering these sex offenders. The women would stay mute to all the harassments. Rakshitha a grew up being repulsed by the men in the society and she would rarely talk to any man.
She works hard to grow into a young, active and popular TV news anchor/journalist. She is a popular host to entertainment talk shows, and the very funny cookery shows. She also likes to empathize with the women who have been a victim to men’s cruelties. Despite her boss’s advice on sticking to entertainment news she likes to host harassment cases on news channel, the name of the programme, “Praja court”(People’s court). We show her empathy towards acid attacked women and other harassed women. In addition to this she has a Rakshitha mobile app made that would assist women in getting immediate help at the scene of harassment.
Varun, the son of the powerful politician is a spoilt brat who has been raping girls and has been getting away with it for a long time. He has help from the doctors, the lawyer, the police and the college principal. Rashmi, an upcoming model gets harassed and raped by him in the name of love.
Rashmi goes to file a case against varun at the police station. The police officer advices against it, makes fun of her. But later he accepts her request as she threatens of complaining about it to the higher official.
The case gets opened in the court but varun wins the case quite easily like he always has with the help of his lawyer who didn’t have to work hard to prove that varun is morally loose woman. He states his own reasons that just as a thread can’t be inserted into a moving needle, a single man cannot rape a woman. Even if she was raped, she looks like she is in a perfectly good condition. Even the doctor with the medical report lies that there wasn’t any proof that it was varun who committed the rape. The college principal testifies varun’s conduct as good.
Later that night varun gets kidnapped and taken to a farmhouse. Where she is raped again, treated brutally almost leaving her to die. In such a state, when she is alone, she goes online to register a complaint on Rakshitha app through varun’s mobile. Rakshitha calls her back gets the address of the hideout (farm house) and gives varun
an idea of recording the men as they harass her. Rakshitha comes in time but Rashmi loses her life to her injuries. She collects the evidence from the phone on the crime scene. On her way back on a scooty she sees the people responsible for Sarita’s death and they see her too. Varun sees her with a lustful eye. At this distant lonely location he sees this as an opportunity to ravage her. Despite the lawyer saying that it could be dangerous to touch a media person, varun steps further and kidnaps and murders her. They bury her and rashmi near the farmhouse.
Later that night, when it starts to rain, in the layers beneath the surface of the ground a phone rings from the purse of Rakshitha. The phone screen has her app that shows, “Help me.. Please.. help me..”. As if by a supernatural intervention her fingers start to wiggle. In a few seconds a hand busts out from the surface of wet muddy ground. That will be our interval.
Although she is dead, her soul craves to avenge her death and for other raped victims and friends which her appear as alive to the world. What follows is a complete transformation in her style of dressing and goes to her job as a journalist. The movie initially shows her as a traditional girl who likes to wear salwars and sarees, now we see her wear glamour sexy wear to attract the sex offenders. Suddenly the girl who never talked to any man in the office, starts flirting with them. Office men are pleasantly shocked and so are the women. It would be funny to see the objects move around on the channel office’s sets on their own. The office people are now afraid of whatever has been happening in the office. It would be funny to see them live in harmless horror. Rakshitha soul enters in Bhavan her best friend.Rakshita has no harmful intention towards any person who is not a rapist. She would go out on a Harley Davisson bike, dressed as sexily as possible to tease the people who she intends to murder. The bike has a rod fashionably placed onto it. She kills multiple rapists in town.fully action packed rope shots. The police and the press surround the murder scenes, recover the unharmed girl. The surrounding people are stunned at this as we see them talk about the murders. We see the lawyer and the doctor in their respective houses as they see the news on the television. They inform this to varun, who is drunk and doesn’t feel the need to be afraid. Meanwhile the D channel is now called as Devil channel by people as the viewers can see the things moving by themselves from their houses. Bhavani’s show is now super popular as she would be the first to air the news from the crime scene and also for the Rakshitha mobile app.
Bhavan heroine (Rakshitha soul mate helps) responds to the complaints on the Rakshitha mobile app . Whatever may be the complaint, she slaughters the rapists to death. She has a specific style of murdering. Every dead body has a rod inserted into their openings.
We see a montage of scenes where fearless, stylish Rakshitha does the acts of brutality and slaughter(highly choreographed) while enjoying herself along. It becomes a fashion outside for the girls as we see are now using Rakshitha app with them.for safety. Each murder gets more creative than the previous one. The word gets out to varun and he would stay underground or he will be killed too.
Rakshitha now decides to avenge her own death.
She goes the college principal as if she were to get an admission in his college and kills him in his office. She then goes to the lawyer(who helped varun with any court case) with a legal problem. The lawyer says he would take her case if she would agree to come to bed with him. She thrusts a foot size needle into his back and as he writhes and twists in pain, she inserts a rope end into the needle, pulls it hard thereby breaking his back which kills him instantly. The doctor tries to fondle her with the stethoscope in his hand and ears. As he tries to touch her chest, the stethoscope gives him an electric shock, making him weak, making his ears bleed. He then gets killed with a rod. Interval Aghora is killed with huge bone c.g shots
We finally get to varun she uses her braid to hang him. (A special effect where her braid elongates making it a rope to hang him)
In our climax we hear a narrative from Rakshitha where she says that people would get killed by her as long as she receives information of threats posted on her mobile app/website. What the law could not do, Rakshitha will do. In the end Kashmora is killed by cutting his throat by piece of glass through heroine s leg. in this film nine extraordinary action rope fights. Of duration of around 45 minutes. And visual effects.
Rakshitha. : (OB VOICE)
Indian culture tells us wherever women are worshipped, there the goddesses reside. By worshipping we do not mean lighting the diyas and incense, what we mean is respecting her. But these days some beasts have totally forgotten it. Women have lost their freedom. If we go as per Gandhiji’s statement,” True freedom is when a girl can walk alone on the road in the midnight”, the girl now is afraid of walking alone in broad daylight. She is afraid that some man will take advantage of her. She is afraid of being kidnapped, attacked by acid, human trafficking, being raped. She is afraid that some innocent looking face may cheat them in the name of love and blackmail them for money. If they fail to provide the money their videos will be uploaded online. Some kill their daughters-in-law for dowry, use kerosene gas to burn them alive. Some are harassed by the very own family members while some are raped by the cab drivers and the auto drivers. Women are trapped in the hands of the sex beasts that roam around almost anywhere these days.
The most inhuman act of all is a rape. The victims face sleepless nights, they have nightmares even months after the rape. They are afraid of being alone.
The rape victim has to be reached with immediate medical treatment. The medical reports have the evidence of male semen in the bodies of the victims. 99% of the doctors suspect the girl.
In the middle of this physical and psychological trauma, they cannot describe their harassments to the male constable in the police station. Sometimes a rape victim cannot find enough courage to file an FIR within 24 hours of the rape. The direct and candid questions from the relatives made them feel more and more deprecated which makes suicide their best escape.
An answer to all these harassments to the common woman is Abhyam.com. A girl, her family or a friend can go online to register her complaint, upload a photograph or a video that addresses the sex offender. We will fight for her justice, for her protection, for her empowerment. You can state physical or psychological harassment whether it is in her office, in her home or the bus/train she travels in. We will stay with her to provide all the care and security and the justice she deserves.
A girl is not a toy that you could play with and throw away. That time has long gone, and now if you as much as tease her with any bad intention you will be seen as a culprit. We won’t endure any kind of harassment anymore.
Despite everything, the victim and her family are made to feel ashamed by the eyes of the society. The shame of being called the shameless by the society. Victims are still seen as the people responsible for the act. So, the million dollar question right now is how would they be free from inhuman judgments by the people. How will they be free? What will make them feel normal again?
Although the government is taking the necessary steps, I am not satisfied. A bigger message is needed to be sent across. Uploading the videos and photographs of the rapists in the social networking sites would definitely help. Make the rapist known to all the people, thereby lessening his courage to go out and commit any sin. Let his identity be known, let people know who the real culprit is.

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