Date : 02/01/2024
Ref : Ref No: IFMA/MH/082023/C009
M/s. : Othbrok Production,
Dear Sir,
Sub : Registration of Motion Picture Title – Reg.
Reg : Your application dated : 2023-12-23
We have pleasure in informing you that after due consideration the Executive Committee of the Indian Film Makers Association has approved registration of your picture title as (Rudransह) In Hindi (Language), Accordingly the title has been registered in your favor for a period of 6/12 months under Registration NO 1016 of 01/01/2024 with validity up to 05/01/2025, we extend our good wishes to you for the success of your picture. Please keep us informed about the progress in utilization of the title and oblige.
In case you are unable to start the Film within 6/12 Months, the following rules will apply.
- If Production does not commence within the validity period, renewal for another 6/12 months will be considered on submitting information relating to the reasons for delay in starting the production and further renewal is permitted thereafter for another 6/12 months on payment of fees. All renewals are subject to Executive Committee Decision.
- Application for renewal of the title has to be sent by you well in advance before the expiry of the validity period, so that renewal can be considered in time. If no such application is received in time, the title will be free for registration in the name of any member who may have asked for the same. No further reference to you will be made in this regard.
- However all registrations/ renewals of titles are valid only till the date of validity of your Membership in the Association.
- The Indian Film Makers Association is not liable to any disputes that may arise on the title registered by you lodged by any person. As beneficiary of the title, you only shall be held responsible for such disputes to the claimants.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
(P.Ramachandra Reddy)
Hon. Secretary